Statutory Training (Summer Term 2025)

Title Date                             Time (mins) Venue Training Provider Attendees Schools Mandatory (Y/N) Description
Safeguarding - Contextual Updates April (Inset) 30 mins Schools DSLs All Staff, including New Starters All Schools Y

Best Practice is that this is the whole
Basic Safeguarding Content. There must also be a contextual update which is best delivered face to face.


Within 1 month of start date 74 mins Online National College New Starters All Schools N Provides you with the expertise and capability to effectively carry out your role and keep children safe online.
Within 1 month of start date 79 mins Online National College New Starters All Schools N Provides you with the expertise and capability to effectively carry out your role and keep children safe online.
Prior to or within 1 week of start date 91 mins Online National College New Starters All Schools Y Covers updates to safeguarding and keeping children safe in Education.
2 year pathway 95 mins Online National College DSLS All Schools Y Understand statutory responsibilities around sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools.
Within 1 month of start date 26 mins Online National College New Starters All Schools Y Understand the legal obligations for keeping personal data safe as a member of staff in school.
By end of term 34 mins Online National College Site teams All Schools Y Understand the principles and practice of safe manual handling
2 year pathway 71 mins Online National College DSLs/Governors All Schools Y Introduction to the prevent Duty and how to ensure compliance with legislation
2 year pathway 112 mins Online National College DSLs/Governors All Schools Y Awareness of child-on child abuse and bullying and how to effectively address this within your setting.
2 year pathway 40 mins Online National College DSLs/Governors All Schools Y Developed by Elizabeth Kitto, equality, diversity and inclusion specialist, this course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to identify and support children and young people who may be vulnerable to exploitation and at risk of being recruited into county lines.
2 year pathway 95 mins Online National College DSLs/Governors All Schools Y Awareness of domestic abuse and violence, your legal responsibilities and how to offer effective safeguarding support to your communities.
2 year pathway 70 mins Online National College DSLs/Governors All Schools Y Understand the legislation around female genital mutilation (FGM) and how to best support pupils and the wider community.
Restraint Training As arranged by Schools N/A Schools Bellscroft (External) All Staff All Schools N  

Specific requirements

All Staff Induction Training must include:
·        Basic Safeguarding
·        School Contextual Safeguarding
·        Online Safety Training
·        Cyber Security Training
·        De-escalation and Physical Intervention Training
Specific Safeguarding Training Pathways              
DSL/DDSL Training Pathway:              
 Courses should be a healthy mixture of the available National College courses, external providers and Trust specialists.          
Annual Annual Annual Annual 2 Year P.Way 2 Year P.Way 2 Year P.Way 2 Year P.Way 2 Year P.Way 2 Year P.Way
Annual certificate in Advanced Safeguarding. (This does not replace DSL Safeguarding certification. Annual Advanced certificate in Online Safety for DSL’s/DDSL’s Brook Traffic Light Training De-escalation and Physical Intervention Domestic Abuse Child on Child Abuse FGM Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Prevent County Lines/Knife Crime/CCE/CSE


NB:  Identified Senior Leaders in each school will have Restraint Training that will be re-certificated on a bi-annual basis.

For 2024/2025:  All staff will be required to completed De-escalation and Physical Intervention Training. 

SCR/HR Managers:              
Annual Annual 3 Yr P.Way          
Understanding Single central record Annual safeguarding certificate for Safer Recruitment Safer Recruitment re-certification          
Attendance Officers and Leaders:            
Annual Annual 2 Year P.Way 2 Year P.Way        
Attendance :  Meeting OFSTED Expectations How to support Parents and Carers to improve Attendance Understanding emotionally based school avoidance Improving Persistent Absence        
Annual Annual Annual 2 Yrs. 2 Yrs 2 Yrs 2 Yrs 2 Yrs
Basic Safeguarding Training –
format agreed with school leaders
Annual Online Safety Monitoring Safeguarding as a governor Attendance:  Meeting OFSTED Expectations. Understanding Single central record (relevant governors only) FGM Prevent CCE/CSE